Friday, 29 June 2012


" Style" is a very commonly used word. She or he is very stylish, he or she has her own style, she /he makes a style statement etc. Somewhere inside most of us want to be stylish, look stylish. But what does style mean....does one need to spend a lot or wear only expensive brands to look stylish? How to look stylish or leave a stylish image on others...These questions often arise in our mind...

'Style is a manner in which you present yourself, or anything for that matter. Style does not necessarily refer to clothing. It could be about speech, life, way of thinking, writing etc. The basic idea behind style is personal, every person is entitled to their own style and no style can ever be the ultimate. The only defining style, often called a style statement, is the one that is admired or adored by the majority. Other than that, style is an absolute individual thing'-  wiki

 If we talk in terms of clothes and accessories, you just need to be creative to create your own style.  As Judith Rasband  (ace image consultant) says 'your image should be authentic, appropriate, attractive and affordable'. So whenever you get ready everyday just ask yourself if you are fulfilling these 4 A's. If you are , you can move ahead  with your day confidently. Here are a few things which you need to see after getting ready or before starting your day.

1. Make sure that you are not creating too many focal points or points of emphasis eg a bright lipstick and a bright eyeshadow , a big neck piece and big earrings too, bright colored lower body garment piece and upper body garment piece as well, too many big or prominent prints , a bright shirt and an equally bright tie etc. If wearing a bright eyeshadow keep the lipstick  minimal and vice versa, if wearing a big neck piece then keep your earrings small or minimal and vice-versa. In this way try to balance and create harmony in whatever you wear. Even if you are an expert in creating unusual combinations , just take care that nothing should be unpleasant to the eye.

2. See to it that your clothes are well ironed and no loose threads , loose buttons etc are hanging.

3.Take care of your body odour,  do not wear too strong perfume, you might be liking  strong  perfume but not everyone, also, some people are allergic to strong smells.

4. Its not just your clothes , even your footwear speaks a lot about you. Your footwear should be clean and well polished, not just from the front but also from the heels.

5. If going out for a meeting or work, see that all your papers your purse or laptop bag is arranged properly so that you are not clumsy in front of your client or boss. For women carry all your essentials in your purse, your makeup touch up, perfume or deodorant, sanitizer, wet tissues, moisturizer, mouth freshener, small mirror etc. Try to carry all these in small packs so that they do not make you purse too heavy which would in turn effect your shoulders.

6. Last but not the least "be yourself"!

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